What Restaurant Operators are Dealing with Now - October 2020 (Ep 127)

publication date: Oct 19, 2020
author/source: Jaime Oikle with Roger Beaudoin


A little earlier this month I checked in with my friend & colleague Roger Beaudoin of Stones Cafe, Market & Bakery in Maine. While not as hard hit by COVID-19 as other areas Roger's restaurant is still encountering all the same issues as everyone else.

And yes, it's still messy...with many unanswered questions...

Things we touched on...

  • What's working, what's not working...
  • Outside dining with colder weather coming
  • Servers and Managers enforcing mask rules
  • Thoughts on protecting your customers
  • The rehiring process - rebuilding your team
  • How to best operating in the shifting sands...

Good quick episode for you -- Don't miss it!

Or listen...

Be sure to check out these resources from Roger...

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